Friday, November 28, 2008

To Santa Cluse...

Sometime I feel so alone, see...I have a best friend here but she is never free...and I'v been waiting and waiting to go out. That's so stupid ! So, please ....Santa Clause, don't give me some toys, just give me The present of how to Love ... for this Christmas. Thank you very much...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Enough Holiday !

I wanna work for part time at
somewhere that belong to me... now
My school will close for the whole December.
So bored !

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am lucky ;)

OMG ! Do u imagine that if my Ez link card was in the garbage and never come back to me again ? well, Luckly I'v got a phone call just now ! Someone got my card and Just imagine!!! She is my lecturer :D Thank u very much teacher... I am lucky !

Help our country ! ! !

My country is so poor becasue of the Cyclone and problems ! So, if u have any love or only a few love, please donate for Myanmar and help us , even if u pray for Myanmar one time to be better, I will thank u so much for that .... Now there is almost no love in Myanmar ...Let's share our love to there :). I love my country as u love your country or as u love. I wanna go back to work and to die on the Myanmar land ! Help ! Help ! Help !

5this way to look
Woow ! :D This is my Final Project of my school. In fact that was about my country's festivals. Water festivals, Light Festivals etc... :) Inside the box is my project , that was a story book style ! So i added pop up art and illustrations etc. And I love my content page coz I add Myanmar traditional painting on that page ^^. My book cover has a style that was like Myanmar palm leave book for inscription in the ancient time. Enjoy it ! Thx for reading ^^ I love that book ...that was sumitted on 10th Nov. :D I got an A !!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is my last 3D work for 3D study subject in NAFA. Fortunately, I'v gotten A ^^. Also I love this statue. That was made with Arcrylic. Ya ! The place I have to make that project is like a hell ! So hot and So noisy ! But it was worth for A grade =^.^= & I also like the lecturer, Mr. J.H. He is clever and sweet ! Actually that work was sumitted on Oct.
Oh, I miss to mention that work, Ok ! What do u think that is ? I made it as a compound of one of the mall !

Answer is Vivo City ^^

I lost my Student Ez link card :( Help !!!

I don't know why ...

I never love someone so much ! I am under a curse. I can not love any one. And I should not like any one coz of my career ! But I feel so tired ! How come that curse is upon me ? I'd like to stay happy for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am sorry, I can not give you Ph number.
I just don't trust some strangers...